Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Technology Fundamentals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Technology Fundamentals - Essay Example O’Bannon (2007) identifies four essential components of instructional objectives: They should be specific, outcome-based, measurable, and describe student behavior. With this in mind, the following bipartite objective is defined for this lesson: General objective: Students will be able to identify five types of multimedia content, give an example of each related to multiculturalism, and describe their characteristics with reference to the examples. The process of ‘identifying’ pertains to the ‘remembering level’ in Bloom’s taxonomy; the process of ‘giving an example’ pertains to ‘applying’ the knowledge, ‘describe’ to ‘understanding’, and ‘classify’ to ‘analysing’ â€Å"Children, in this lesson we are going to look at different types of multimedia. Can you name any?† [Wait for responses before naming all five] â€Å"To get to know these better, we are going to look at examples of each that show some aspect of a particular culture.† â€Å"Let’s begin then with some artifacts that we can touch. *Look at these Mexican pià ±atas. [^] *Pass them round so everyone can hold one and see what it’s like, and while you’re doing that, let me give you a little background on the Pià ±atas because ‘They have an interesting history. During the 16th century, the pià ±ata was used by missionaries to attract converts. However, the Mayans were already using the pià ±atas for their sports events that the missionaries utilized for their own purpose. The pià ±ata originally represents Satan who is adorned by wonderful colors in order to attract people. The traditional pià ±ata has seven horns, which represent the seven deadly sins, namely: greed, gluttony, sloth, pride, envy, wrath, and lust. The stick used to hit the pià ±ata symbolizes virtue, which is needed to break the evil. After the pot is broken, the candies serve as a reward to those who have been faithful.’ (Devlin, 2007) So how di d you feel holding these artifacts?† [Listen

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